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Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute
Student Agreement

How to complete and sign this agreement: Please copy and paste this agreement in an email, complete the blank spaces, sign with your name between forward slashes i.e. /Joan Smith/ and send the email to Brain&&&Optimization@XXXiCloud.com. Please remove all & and X characters. They are there just to prevent the internet email harvesting programs to harvest our email addreses.

Name: I, ________________________________________, (full name) am enrolling in a 10-Month Course with Certification in the Flip-Learning Format at the Brain Optimization™ Institute.

The course I have chosen is: (please circle, bold or underline one)

1- Certification in Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain Optimization™
2- Certification in Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology
3- Certification in Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality

4- Master Certification as a Holistic Life Coach

Commitment to Do Your Best: You will be trained to offer the highest quality counseling/coaching service while doing no harm to your clients. Your commitment and enthusiasm are fundamental to achieving these goals. Therefore, your signature on this agreement states your commitment to doing your best in class participation and completing all weekly assignments. ______ (Initials)

Requirements to Obtain Your Certificate of Completion:
For the Certifications, you will be awarded your Certificate of Completion after fulfilling all of the following requirements:

1- Watching all of the video-classes
2- Completion of each one of the required homework
3- Participation in all of the one-on-one coaching sessions.
4- Three to four pages final disertation
______ (Initials)

Certificate of Completion: Your certificates of completion will be sent to you in an electronic format via email, along with instructions on how to print them. You will be responsible for printing them if you want to do so. You can make as many printouts as you want, and use them in your web-site and resumé in the electronic format itself.
______ (Initials)

BOHI's final "Master Certification as a Holistic Life Coach" can be attained by completing the following:

1- The Certification Course in Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain Optimization™
2- The Certification Course in Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology
3- The Certification Course in Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality
4- A final dissertation of twenty pages in a subject of your choice.
______ (Initials)

Drop-out policy: If for any reason you need to drop the class in your registered track, you will have 3 years from your enrollment date, to complete your course work without extra cost. In case you are definitely withdrawing from the course, and you have paid in advanced, please be informed that no refunds of money is guaranteed.
______ (Initials)

Tuition First Payment and Monthly Payments:
The monthly payment option requires that you make your first payment upon enrolling in the course of your choice, by signing this agreement (if you already made it you can disregard this.) The rest will be paid in consecutive monthly payments at the end of each month until the total price is completed.

We highly recommend that you open a Paypal account, which is free. At paypal you will also be able to pay with any major credit card -- even if you have not open a paypal account.

By initializing below you state the following: "I do understand that I will be responsibe for making my monthly tuition payments before the end of each month."
______ (Initials)

I also understand that if in a given month -- for any reason -- I did not complete all my classes I can make up the classes the following month, with the understanding that still I must make the full payment for that month. The total cost of the Certification Course for the student remains the same.
__________ (initials)

Coming to Coaching Sessions on Time: I will honor my one-on-one coaching sessions appointments without exception and I will come to class on time. This means, I will call the teacher on Skype or on the phone at the time that my appointment starts. Your teacher will be waiting for your call but making the call is your responsibility. ______ (Initials)

Cancellations: To cancel a coaching session previously scheduled I will notify my teacher at least 48 hours in advance.
______ (Initials)

Due to spamming and filters, e-mailing is not a reliable to schedule or cancel appointments. Thus, if I send an e-mail I will also follow up with a Skype or a WhatsApp note
________ (Initials)

Copyright Agreement: The content of BOHI courses and classes are copyrighted. We fully understand our student's feelings of wanting to share with relatives, friends and even strangers what has been helpful for them. However, to protect BOI's mission we ask you to limit your sharing to your own words, your own writings and to referring your friends to BOHI.

By signing this enrollment form, you promise that you will never violate BOHI copyrights by sharing digital recordings, videos or copyrighted material, and most especially the links conducive to the classes, with anyone.

Please write here your full name accepting this commitment:


Employment placement or client referrals are not promised or implied. After completion -- or even earlier -- of any of the certifications, you are advised here to start seeing clients and to do a practicum, by setting up special appointments for supervision with your BOHI instructor. ______ (Initials)

Supervision: It is advised that you continue this supervised counseling practice until you feel completely confident in your counseling/coaching profession. Private supervised sessions are not mandated for your Certification, or included in the cost of the courses.
______ (Initials)

BOHI is a completely independent school. We do not participate in accreditation systems of any kind, state licensing systems or state boards. We do not believe in any form of government control of the millenarian profession of education. Our school stands on its own integrity, the quality of its programs and the skill of its teachers. If you are looking for a degree to get a government job, or to bill insurance companies for your services, or get a job in an agency financed through medical, medicare or other government programs, we strongly recommend that you do not sign this enrollment form, and look for a school aligned with the mainstream. BOHI is appropriate for individuals that want to create their own business and or private practice, and/or value the unique information presented in our courses for personal growth or professional reasons.
______ (Initials)

Transferring to Another University: If you are planning to continue your studies in another University, and you expect they will validate what you studied with us, we want to caution you: it is likely that due to the nature of our school and programs, other universities, especially mainstream universities, will not validate your studies at BOHI. You may want to check with them first.
______ (Initials)

Copyrights of the dissertations are shared by both, the student and the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute. Special research projects performed at the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute may be an exception to the above sharing policy. In those cases a special contract will be signed by both parties. 
______ (Initials)

By signing this document, I agree to honor its provisions and adhere to the highest integrity as a student and later in my work as a coach, counselor, healer and teacher, writer and entrepreneur in the helping professions.

Name of Student

Phone Number


Email Address


Street Address

City, State, Zip Code


Signature and Date



How Did You First Learn About Us?



The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute offers classes, information and courses with certifications on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering and disorders. Certifications include Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain Optimization™, Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality. The Brain Optimization Holistic Institute also offers a final "Master Certification as a Holistic Life Coach" for those who complete the three certifications mentioned above.

All classes are presently presented by the
Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's Founder Gian Girardi, MS, MA.
