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Mandatory Vaccinations in the
Psychotherapy Profession

by Gian Girardi, MS, MA, founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute

My generation was relatively safe from the present assault on the human brain affecting younger generations. The use of multiple immunizations in one shot is a muderous practice and should be suspended inmediately. The rise of autism is completely coincidental with the
implementation of such violent medical-pharmaceutical practice.

Gian Girardi, MS, MA.


No organization, corporation, government, country or military force has the right to pressure or force an individual to prick into their body introducing substances or germs, proteins (natural or artificial), or to radiate their body with X rays or any other harmful radiation or to force them to take a drug. These are decisions that are strictly up to the individual, or to the parents in case of a minor. Such activities or any regulation supporting such activities are against the principle of self-determination and a deep violation of human rights.

This principle should already be explicitly included in the Declaration of Human Rights.

Gian Girardi, MS, MA.

The letter you are about to read was sent by me years ago to an agency operating in the LA County. This agency provides psychotherapy and psychiatric services to children and their familes. At that time, I was still working as a psychotherapist in California, and the experience I share with you here prompted me to eventually let go of my psychotherapy license.

When I wrote the letter, I had been already accepted for a position as a clinical supervisor, and we had agreed on how much money I was going to be paid for my work. As a clinical supervisor and senior psychotherapist, I was going to supervise interns pursuing their Masters, Doctoral degree in Psychology, and licensing in the State of California.

At that point I was asked to fill out "the paperwork," go through a physical, and take 3 vaccinations! Years ago I went to India and I didn’t have to get one vaccine! Additionally, the paperwork consisted in a "book" of forms that I had to sign and date consenting to the most minute details that could protect the agency against "me". The content reflected this attitude:
"whoever is applying for a job is assumed here to be an enemy of this agency."

I refused two of the vaccinations on the spot and had to sign waivers. The third one was a TB skin test. I did extensive research about the science behind the TB skin test, and decided not to do it. I explained my reasons in a letter (below.)

They refused to read my letter and did not want to recieve all the paperwork that had taken me hours to read, sign and date. I left my paperwork and letter at the agency anyway, but I doubt they will ever read it. I was not given the job.

I have uploded the letter, so judge for yourself. It will give you an idea of the abuse that you have to go through when you want to get a job as a psychotherapist at an agency in the LA county. Of course, not only this agency has such policies -- most of them, if not ALL of them do.

This same agency manages many schools with thousands of children in total. These children and their parents are likely being subjected to the same type of pressures, but worse. It is likely the case that parents are being coerce to consent to multiple
vaccinations on their children.

This principle below should already be explicitly included in the Declaration of Human Rights:

"No organization, corporation, government, country, or military force, has the right to pressure or force an individual to prick into their body introducing substances or germs, or proteins, natural or artificial, radiate their body with X rays, or any other harmful radiation, or force them to take a drug. These are decisions that are strictly up to the individual, or to the parents in case of a minor. Such activities, or any regulation supporting such activities, are against the principle of self-determination and a violation of the human rights.

If an individual desires more immunity for him or herself, against a particular virus or germ, he or she can pursue it through proper vaccination of him or herself. However, no one should expect increase one's personal protection, by forcing another to get vaccinated. It is a scientific fact that every immunization or vaccination carries a probability of serious side effects and even death. Therefore, to take such risk is a very personal matter and the decision
a priviledge of each human being.

Do you want to become a psychotherapist? -- think twice.

Gian Girardi, MS, MA, Founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute .


The Letter

To : "abc agency"
From : Gian Girardi, MS, MA MFT

Dear Sirs,

I am not complying with the requirement regarding the TB skin test. I do not feel safe or inclined to subject my body to this test for the following reasons:

1- The TB skin test contains Tween 80 a preservative containing “Phenol” defined by the encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine and Nursing as "an extremely poisonous antiseptic, germicidal and disinfectant; A hydroxyl derivative of benzene, commonly known as carbolic acid."

2- There is potential for creating an immune system disorder like allergies, chronic inflammation or both. This test is composed of a protein fraction derived from a human strain of tuberculosis. Aside from the shedding of RNA and DNA into the lymphatic system from this test, the presence of foreign proteins in one’s blood has been associated with the development of allergies and immune system disorders.

3- A study published in December, 2005 discovered that Tween80 can cause anaphylaxis, a sometimes fatal reaction characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, hives, and breathing difficulties. Researchers concluded that the severe reaction was not a typical allergic response characterized by the combination of IgE antibodies and the release of histamines; it was caused by a serious disruption that had occurred within the immune system. (Coors, Esther A., Seybold, Heidi, Merk, Hans, Mahler, Vera. “Polysorbate 80 in medical products and nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions,” Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 95 (2005): 593–599.)

Additional facts about TB and the TB skin test:

1- Individuals born in third world countries like Chile, and South America in general, are in contact with the mycobacterium tuberculosis from early childhood and develop strong immunization against it. At my age, 53, it is practically impossible to develop tuberculosis even if I become exposed to massive dosages of the germ. I do not represent a risk to anyone in this regard. My body is completely immune to TB.

2- I will be supervising interns and I will not be working directly with children.

3- According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, which is part of the United Nations, scientists from the organization are developing vaccines specifically to damage fertility as a method of contraception. A suggested ingredient for the vaccine is Tween 80 (polysorbate 80).

4- I could not find any evidence that the State of California mandates the TB test. Policies vary for each organization, school or company. I also found evidence that this test is a wonderful business for Aventis Pasteur, the pharmaceutical company that produces it. Science is being seriously contaminated today with pharmaceutical interests -- in each situation we have to be very discerning, in order to avoid buying into their hype and marketing at the expenses of truth and integrity.

5- "Neonatal female rats were injected with Tween 80 in 1. 5 or 10 percent aqueous solution on days 4-7 after birth. Treatment with Tween 80 accelerated maturation, prolonged the oestrus cycle, and induced persistent vaginal oestrus. The relative weight of the uterus and ovaries was decreased relative to the untreated controls. Squamous cell metaplasia of the epithelial lining of the uterus and cytological changes in the uterus were indicative of chronic oestrogenic stimulation. Ovaries were without corpora lutea, and had degenerative follicles." ~ PMID: 8473002 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

I thought carefully about my decision in refusing the test. I can’t deny that I need the job. I also liked the environment with my colleagues in the clinical department, my future bosses and the type of job that I am being hired to perform. However, after leaving the doctor’s office where I refused to take the test or radiate my chest to comply, I left with a clear positive feeling that I had done the right thing. I realized that X raying my chest or pricking into my body to please the agency in this matter, would have been a serious offense towards myself. With the knowledge I have today about healing, medicine and alternative medicine I would have felt that I had been violated. It would have been a decision based on fear instead of principle and good science; which is exactly the philosophy that I had been invited into, by my future supervisors in the clinical department at your agency: "to avoid making decisions based on fear."

I am not that knowledgeable in the subtle and complex aspects of ethics, however, this has brought me into deep thought about the ethical component of this issue. This is what I have concluded:

No organization, corporation, government, country or military force has the right to pressure or force an individual to prick into their body introducing substances or germs, proteins (natural or artificial), or to radiate their body with X rays or any other harmful radiation or to force them to take a drug. These are decisions that are strictly up to the individual, or to the parents in case of a minor. Such activities or any regulation supporting such activities are against the principle of self-determination and a deep violation of human rights.

This principle should already be explicitly included in the Declaration of Human Rights.


Ghandi on Vaccinations

This is why I found this interesting note in the internet: “In every case where a person challenged the TB testing on constitutional grounds, claiming the state’s religious exemption, or demanding that the employer guarantee that the "test" is free of dead or live pathogens, the mandatory nature of the TB test was waived for them.”

Demanding the TB skin test doesn’t fly in court, simply because it is below the level of integrity. The only TB test that could be requested by a company today that reaches integrity is the examination of sputum -- which I would have no problem taking. However, this test requires the cultivation of a sample -- which may take several days. Although it is not available as a routine test, the LA county Department of Public Health does offer the test. Despite the extra steps it is the ethical thing to do. Additionally, from a scientific perspective, Aventis Pasteur (the pharmaceutical company that produces Tubersol -- the most common of the brands used for the TB skin test), admits that their test may give false readings and that the only sure test is microbiological examination of the sputum or X rays of the lungs. Excellent scientists are challenging the convenient idea that X rays are safe even in one dose! Therefore, again, the only ethical thing to do is to request the sputum test.

May you protect your heath and rights too,

Gian Girardi, MS, MS
Brain Optimization Institute, founder

About Flu Vaccinations:

"This is a flu vaccine insert. Something you won't be shown in most cases even
though it's illegal for you to get the shot before reading it. The insert states clearly
that no controlled trials have proven that the vaccine decreases duration or severity
of the flu or prevents the flu. However, cases of serious reactions or even death, resulting from
the flu-shot coninue to accumulate.


Last but not least, watch this fascinating video on lies and
deception about vaccinations being COMPLETELY safe.




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The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute offers classes, information and courses with certifications on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering and disorders. Certifications include Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, Life/Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality. The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute also offers a Certification in Holistic Life Coaching for those who complete the three certifications mentioned above.

Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's broadcasting and recording studio for online classes and coaching sessions is presently located in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California. Students from adjacent cities and locations like Pasadena, Studio City, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, West Los Angeles, Brentwood, Bel Air, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Orange County can take the Coaching Sessions in person, on Skype or on the phone. Students living in cities and locations further away in the States or abroad like San Francisco, San Diego, New York, North and South Carolina, Miami, London England, Paris France, Rome and Milan Italy, Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, Santiago Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ecuador, Quito, Montreal, Cape Town and Johannesburg in South Africa, New Zealand, Hawaií, Kauai, Maui, Kenya, Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta in India, Hong Kong and Shanghai in China, Taipei in Taiwan, can take the
one-on-one coaching sessions on Skype or phone.

All classes are presently presented by the
Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's founder Gian Girardi, MS, MA.



