



Donations for the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute
Why and How You Can Help
By Gian Girardi, BOHI Founder

One excellent news we got during 2017 has been that, ”starting November 30th BOHI was granted the non-profit status, by the IRS.” It took more than a year to complete the project -- it was quite challenging but we made it. From now on, you will be able to discount from taxes all donations you make to BOHI. So if you make a donation, where will the money go? What will be used for?
Here it is...

As of 2024, BOHI‘s YouTube channel “Gian Girardi” is taking a significant amount of time and resources. The channel is dedicated to the advancement of Advaita and Holistic teachings as presented by Gian. Google pays very, very little for the advertisement, and Advaita as of today, is not a popular subject capable of attracting hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Thus your contribution is very much appreacciated -- Thank you!

To make a donation, please click in the paypal button below, or contact Gian directly at Gian&@& Please remove the & symbols from the email, they are there just to prevent email fishing. Thank you!

We deeply appreciate your help.


BOHI Teachings

BOHI Teachings are one of the most comprehensive holistic teachings available today. They are uniquely suitable for the seeker of Truth and happiness, as well as for those with a humanistic vocational inclination -- life coaches, wellness coaches, teachers, counselors and healers. The teachings are presented in an efficient format of three 5-Month Certification Courses. These courses address the three fundamental aspects of life -- physical, mental and spiritual. Each certification can be pursued separately. Completion of all three provides certification as a Holistic Life Coach Master, and includes the three basic certifications in Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, Wellness/Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality. In order to reduce tuition monthly costs, students can
chose to take the courses in a 10-month format.


........................... ...... . . .. ........ . .. ..... .. .... . .............. Gian BOHI Founder

Gian's Bio

Gian Girardi, founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute California was born in 1955 to an Italian/Spanish family in Chile. From early childhood he felt a great interest in science and later for the humanities, especially for spirituality and Awakening. At age 24, he graduated in engineering from the most prestigious University in Chile. After marrying Viviana their spiritual interests brought them to the US where Gian completed a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and obtained a California State License to practice psychotherapy. He has accumulated extensive teaching and clinical experience, gained through twenty one years working as a psychotherapist, nutritional counselor, life coach, spiritual
psychology counselor and teacher.

After a long period of twenty four years practicing different yogas, Gian became interested in the highest form of Yoga -- the yoga of Wisdom. In India it is called Jnana Yoga or Advaita, and the main Advaita teachers have been Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta
Maharaj and others.

In the West, Advaita is known as Non-Duality, and due to its unparalleled effectiveness at triggering the Awakened state, this approach is exploding. Zen also, in many respect is
similar to Non-Duality.

After Gian found the right path for him, Awakening came
gradually, through a period of ten years.

Because of Gian's long career as a counselor and teacher, it was all too natural to begin sharing with his students, friends and clients, his passion and insights into the awakened state, and he
began teaching Non-Duality in 2007.

The realization came that no service can be of higher value than helping others to wake-up to their true Self. This has lead Gian to present satsangs to groups in the areas of Los Angeles, Pasadena, Glendale, West LA and online. He also offers a 3-hour private Awakening session on Skype, phone or in-person called "the Awakening Protocol" — a uniquely effective approach to cut through the illusions in regard to our identity, which are at the root of all our suffering. Through the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute California Gian also also offers a 5-Month Course in
Psychology of Consciousness, with Certification.

As a teacher, Gian has been deeply interested in developing a language that works at transferring the Awakened State to his students. The transmission of the Awakening state is not done as most think; "by the touch of the teacher in the spiritual eye, or anything similar." The transmission is through a conversation. Therefore, the language has to be extremely concrete,
precise and effective at pointing to the True Self.

Here is a couple of testimonials from the many collected
through the years:

Hi Gian. Extraordinary things have happened since we last spoke that I wanted to share with you. I am finally living from the place you showed me the day of the awakening. I remember how quiet and still I felt as you told me to look at the hanging plant and notice the sounds around it. Everything faded away until the only thing
that was left was pure Consciousness.

I remember you saying that was home. JM .


Gian; really enjoyed our session together the other day and I'm happy to support you and the Institute. I fully believe in what you are doing and feel your well rounded approach and clear teaching style is among the best out there. You are right that we did cover some of what you taught me the other night in the class I took from you, but being there one on one added another dimension to it
that was invaluable to me.

I am so glad I took the time out to do that. It can definitely be said that there is nothing more important that seeing what you are. How can a price be put on that? I will continue with the embodiment
but I am not seeking anything anymore.

Thanks so much, Scott

A follow-up from Scott:


Gian; since our session together last month I have continued the process. Of course, I am usually caught up in the duties and relationships of life but when I am alone I come back to Consciousness as much as possible. Generally this is experienced as Nothingness and/or Spaciousness but tonight there was the experience of Bliss just appearing as a natural aspect of Consciousness.
For many years I have known of the phrase "Satchitananda"; Being, Consciousness, Bliss. I am certain you are aware of it. I believe I understand this phrase now, that they are one in the same. How wonderful to experience Consciousness as Bliss. Thank you
again for opening the door to this. Scott


BOHI 5-Month Certification Courses
(All applicable to BOHI's final
"Master Certification in Holistic Life Coaching)"

Looking for a new and more fulfilling career in life?
We can help you.

Note: 10-month program and 21-month
program also available.


1- Learn to heal, take care and optimize the human
brain using nutrition.

Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition™ -- Flip Learning

2- Learn to use the brain effectively producing
harmonious, positive thoughts and feelings

Wellness/Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology -- Flip Learning

3- Find out "who" is using the brain and what for. Wake-up
to your True Nature. Attain dis-identification from all the
stories created by the brain, including the story of "me."

Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality -- Flip Learning


Sample Some Video-Edited Satsangs

Satsang — The Path of Understanding

The Path of Understanding, Part 1


The Path of Understanding, Part 2


The Path of Understanding, Part 3


The Path of Understanding, Part 4


The Path of Understanding, Part 5


The Path of Understanding, Part 6


The Path of Understanding, Part 7




The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute offers classes, information and courses with certifications on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering and disorders. Certifications include Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, Life/Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality. The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute also offers a final "Master Certification in Holistic Life Coaching" for those who complete the three certifications mentioned above.

Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's broadcasting and recording studio for online classes and coaching sessions is presently located in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California. Students from adjacent cities and locations like Pasadena, Studio City, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, West Los Angeles, Brentwood, Bel Air, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Orange County can take the Coaching Sessions in person, on Skype or on the phone. Students living in cities and locations further away in the States or abroad like San Francisco, San Diego, New York, North and South Carolina, Miami, London England, Paris France, Rome and Milan Italy, Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, Santiago Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ecuador, Quito, Montreal, Cape Town and Johannesburg in South Africa, New Zealand, Hawaií, Kauai, Maui, Kenya, Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta in India, Hong Kong and Shanghai in China, Taipei in Taiwan, can take the one-on-one coaching sessions on Skype or phone.

All classes are presently presented by the
Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's founder Gian Girardi, MS, MA.
